See How SWIR Imaging Can Enhance Your Machine Vision Application Webinar

Princeton Infrared Technologies, Inc. will be sponsoring a Vision Systems Design webinar on Wednesday, March 10 at 11 AM (EST) to discuss how SWIR imaging can enhance your machine vision application. Certain machine vision applications require imaging beyond the visible wavelength. One such non-visible spectral band is the shortwave infrared (SWIR) band. Many materials that appear similar in the visible spectrum look much different in SWIR. This includes things like food inspection, electronics inspection, solar cell inspection, surveillance, and much more. Demand for imaging in the SWIR range has grown and a result, more products have become available that enhance the capabilities of machine vision systems for those needing to image beyond the visible. On March 10, a panel of machine vision experts will answer questions on advances and capabilities in SWIR imaging with the ultimate goal of letting you know how SWIR technology might improve your machine vision or imaging application.
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See How SWIR Imaging Can Enhance Your Machine Vision Application